Thursday, July 25, 2013

Gradient Stars

A gradient of new beginnings. A normal gradient uses sponges which I do not have any makeup sponges at time so I decided to do my own concept. I started off with my Dazzle Base Coat. I decide to use all Julep colors for this idea. The first color was Alaina and made sure the have a good coverage on all the nails. I let this color set in before attempting this feat. Then I set out Cassie and Seche Vite top coat. I placed Cassie along the tip and immediately use the topcoat starting at the tip and going towards the cuticle. I did this for a streak affect and to blend it into the bottom color. I repeated this method on every nail. After it dried, I didn't feel it had a wow factor so I used Tracy and repeated the method using topcoat immediately after putting Tracy on the tips of each nail going towards the cuticle again. Here is the results of this madness.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

When Daleks Attack!

I was stuck on ideas for a manicure. So I asked if anyone had any ideas. A dear friend suggested Dr. who theme. I asked her to elaborate and she said Daleks and TARDIS. That is where this manicure came from. I started off with a simple approach of Dazzle base coat, let it dry and then got down to business. On the pinky nail I put Matte n.a Oscar, on the ring finger and middle finger I used the femme fatale's Edge of the Cosmos, on the index finger I use Color Club Bright Night. I let this dry for a good 15 to 20 min. Then I proceeded to do the detail on the pinky finger. I found a dotter size and put three dots in the center my finger when the China Glaze Black Diamonds. I took the brush and edged the tip of my finger at the bottom of the Dalek. I streaked the first dot slightly out to make the top of the Dalek. On the index, I placed two white <Essie Marshmallow> squares and let it dry about 3 min. then I edged it in China Glaze Black Diamonds. I went over the edge with Color Club Bright Night to even out the lines and let it all dry. I waited up about 45 min. Last but not least, I used my matte topcoat to finish it off. This is the final product. <My Dalek is updated from black and white>

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I must say I love Art. Any type I just love it. Today is last day <we hope> for the cast, and I wanted to try a new manicure. I didn't know what. I went through three ideas. Third one I was dead set on but couldn't find my brush. So I grabbed a different brush. I wound up with something similar to the Art Style of Splash Art. Now if you are going do wha? Let me explain Splash Art was made most famous by Jackson Pollock. Fantabulous artist with wicked ideas. Love, love, love his work. But I digress. This actually wound up being a super easy mani and I will definitely be storing this one away for future use! I started with my base of Dazzle, did a coat of Julep Nadia (FINALLY a yellow that is thick and works well!), then I put some Dream On Sinful Color in my Nail Art lid (I use an old prescription bottle lid), and grabbed out my feather brush (posting picture below). I dabbed the brush making sure the tips got wet but stayed apart and splashed it across my nails in varying patterns. I let it dry and covered it with Dazzle topcoat. And voila, we have Splash Art nail style!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Matte my dear

I kept noticing all those pretty manicures that were matted and couldn't figure it out! Well, I went on a challenge this week. I did a LOT of matte work. I used NYC Matte Topcoat for these "experiments". Think of Dr. Frankenstein trying to create the monster here ok? Then I had an awesome email on a blog from Julep (which I cannot find now to reference so I apologize) that said to make a good white manicure is to put your basecoat on then a thin white then matte coat then reapply white then your regular topcoat. Well, this got my mind a-thinkin'.... So I decided to test out *that* theory. EUREKA! I figured it out. The manicure you will see here (don't mind the nail that is little it attacked a mattress that was being moved darn Jedi powers failed me again) is a result of that build up and then some. So let me explain what I did. I switched my basecoat as I have been wanting to test out Dazzle base (I really really LIKE it!). I place my base down and let it dry good about 2 minutes. I picked a bottom coat color (for the index I picked Essie Marshmallow) and put a thin layer and near immediately put the matte topper on it. Once it dried (I wanted 10 minutes), I put another layer of Essie Marshmallow and put in my jewels to dry with it. Now applying jewels is NOT easy. I goofed and had to redo it as I touched the polish and it went kaput. Once the second try went good I covered with another layer of matte (including the jewels) to give it a flat subdued look. Now you can pick any combo you want to do this idea but I do suggest matte in the middle of layers now to give it the secure look and not as much mess or fuss. To get the "marbled" look on my other nails while they were still drying I put white on the color to subdue it and enhance the red or blue or pink. I did the same method of putting a matte layer in between. This method with so many layers does take a while to fully dry so please make sure you don't do this before going in the TARDIS or off to fight the Rebels. I would suggest putting on a good movie or marathon (might I suggest Princess Bride for a movie?) and enjoy!